古剑奇谭二(GuJian2) for linux

How to Download 古剑奇谭二(GuJian2)

Written by 北京网元圣唐娱乐科技有限公司

Table of Contents:
1. Screenshots
2. Installing on Windows Pc
3. Installing on Linux
4. System Requirements
5. Game features
6. Reviews

古剑奇谭二(GuJian2) Screenshots

    古剑奇谭二(GuJian2) game for Linux 1 古剑奇谭二(GuJian2) game for windows Pc 1 古剑奇谭二(GuJian2)for windows and Linux 1

How to Install 古剑奇谭二(GuJian2) on Windows Pc

  1. Click on the 古剑奇谭二(GuJian2) download button below.
  2. Choose "Install" to install the game on the windows steam client.
  3. Follow the on-screen prompts
  4. Let it download the Full Version.
  5. Once a game is downloaded, use the Windows Steam Client to play the game.

=== Download Game ====

Download for pc →

Guide: Installing 古剑奇谭二(GuJian2) on Linux with Steam Proton

This guide describes how to use Steam Proton to play and run Windows games on your Linux computer. Some games may not work or may break because Steam Proton is still at a very early stage.

1. Activating Steam Proton for Linux:
Proton is integrated into the Steam Client with "Steam Play." To activate proton, go into your steam client and click on Steam in the upper right corner. Then click on settings to open a new window. From here, click on the Steam Play button at the bottom of the panel. Click "Enable Steam Play for Supported Titles."

Alternatively: Go to Steam > Settings > Steam Play and turn on the "Enable Steam Play for Supported Titles" option.

Valve has tested and fixed some Steam titles and you will now be able to play most of them. However, if you want to go further and play titles that even Valve hasn't tested, toggle the "Enable Steam Play for all titles" option.

2. Choose a version
You should use the Steam Proton version recommended by Steam: 3.7-8. This is the most stable version of Steam Proton at the moment.

3. Restart your Steam
After you have successfully activated Steam Proton, click "OK" and Steam will ask you to restart it for the changes to take effect. Restart it. Your computer will now play all of steam's whitelisted games seamlessly.

4. Launch Stardew Valley on Linux:
Before you can use Steam Proton, you must first download the Stardew Valley Windows game from Steam. When you download Stardew Valley for the first time, you will notice that the download size is slightly larger than the size of the game.
This happens because Steam will download your chosen Steam Proton version with this game as well. After the download is complete, simply click the "Play" button.

System Requirements

Windows Pc Requirements

  • OS: Windows XP 32位,Windows Vista /7/8(32位、64位)(简体中文版)
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0GHz或AMD同等性能芯片
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 8600/AMD HD3670,显存256MB,支持DirectX 9.0C,SM3.0
  • DirectX: Version 9.0c
  • Storage: 15 GB available space
  • Sound Card: Direct Sound 兼容声卡
  • Additional Notes: 鼠标(必备)、键盘(必备)、手柄(选用)

  • OS: Windows XP 32位,Windows Vista /7/8(32位、64位)(简体中文版)
  • Processor: Intel i 系列 2.8 GHz 或 AMD 同等性能芯片及以上
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: nVIDIA GTX 260 与 AMD HD4870 同等性能,显存 1 GB 以上
  • DirectX: Version 9.0c
  • Storage: 15 GB available space
  • Sound Card: Direct Sound 兼容声卡
  • Additional Notes: 鼠标(必备)、键盘(必备)、手柄(选用)

Linux Requirements

No minimum requirements!!
No maximum requirements!!

Mac Requirements

No minimum requirements!!
No maximum requirements!!

What is 古剑奇谭二(GuJian2)? Features and Description

《古剑奇谭二:永夜初晗凝碧天》(《古剑奇谭二》)是由网元圣唐旗下上海烛龙自主研发的大型3D仙侠类单机角色扮演游戏,为古剑系列第二代作品, 已于2013年8月18日发售。 《古剑奇谭二》挑战国产单机传统,采用即时制战斗模式及电影化表现手法,更进行种种突破创新,创造了国产单机游戏新高度。

《古剑奇谭二:永夜初晗凝碧天》(《古剑奇谭二》)是由网元圣唐旗下上海烛龙自主研发的大型3D仙侠类单机角色扮演游戏,为古剑单机系列第二代作品,已于2013年8月18日在两岸三地同步发售。 《古剑奇谭二》挑战国产单机传统,采用即时制战斗模式及电影化的表现手法,更进行种种突破创新,创造了国产单机游戏新高度。



1. 夜话剧情——苍穹之冕
2. 支线剧情——十魔正音、红粉赠佳人、棋逢对手
3. 故事外传——沧海月明
4. 故事外传——霜刃初开
5. 故事外传——潜龙在渊


1. 战斗系统:《古剑奇谭二》游戏采用即时制战斗系统,高度自由的战斗模式使战斗过程无比炫酷爽利。

2. 武器升级:通过各种物品来提升武器的经验值,达到升级需求时再通过特定物品的辅助即可完成武器升级。

3. 灵石镶嵌:通过物品合成系统可以淬炼不同功能的灵石,武器和装备镶嵌灵石后会大大提升威力,而淬炼灵石的材料多从怪物掉落的物品中获取。

4. 星蕴系统:通过星蕴系统学习丰富的技能,壮大自身实力,功能强大又绮丽炫目的特技和法术,都要通过填充星蕴来习得和强化,变化多端的星蕴玩法待你来体验。
5. 换装系统:随着剧情的进展,可获得各具特色的主角外装,在散落各地的宝箱中也有机会获得外装,说不定开启某一个神秘宝箱,就能获取漂亮的衣装。

6. 物品合成:击败怪物不仅能提升主角战斗经验,更能从怪物身上收获特殊材料等战利品,而通过物品合成系统,多个特定材料将被组合,产出相应的全新物品。

7. 挖宝系统:古剑的世界中,埋藏着很多前人遗留下来的宝物,在挖宝系统的帮助下,玩家可以把这些宝藏一一找出,收入自己囊中,在游戏中成为宝贝收藏家!

8. 成就系统:成就挑战涵盖了战斗、迷宫、怪物捕获、侠义榜等多方面内容,多样的成就挑战会给你的冒险旅程增添更多色彩。

9. 家园系统:在家园的田地里或池塘中,利用种植、养殖收获食材或药材,这些珍贵的材料合成的物品将成为你旅途中不可缺少的助力。

10. 烹饪系统:在家园系统的厨房中,你可以大显身手,尝试对手中食材进行不同的组合与搭配,开发独创菜式,获得独家食谱。

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