B..:EvaSive for linux

How to Download B..:EvaSive

Written by ZaxtorGameS

Table of Contents:
1. Screenshots
2. Installing on Windows Pc
3. Installing on Linux
4. System Requirements
5. Game features
6. Reviews

B..:EvaSive Screenshots

    B..:EvaSive game for Linux 1 B..:EvaSive game for windows Pc 1 B..:EvaSivefor windows and Linux 1

How to Install B..:EvaSive on Windows Pc

  1. Click on the B..:EvaSive download button below.
  2. Choose "Install" to install the game on the windows steam client.
  3. Follow the on-screen prompts
  4. Let it download the Full Version.
  5. Once a game is downloaded, use the Windows Steam Client to play the game.

=== Download Game ====

Download for pc →

Guide: Installing B..:EvaSive on Linux with Steam Proton

This guide describes how to use Steam Proton to play and run Windows games on your Linux computer. Some games may not work or may break because Steam Proton is still at a very early stage.

1. Activating Steam Proton for Linux:
Proton is integrated into the Steam Client with "Steam Play." To activate proton, go into your steam client and click on Steam in the upper right corner. Then click on settings to open a new window. From here, click on the Steam Play button at the bottom of the panel. Click "Enable Steam Play for Supported Titles."

Alternatively: Go to Steam > Settings > Steam Play and turn on the "Enable Steam Play for Supported Titles" option.

Valve has tested and fixed some Steam titles and you will now be able to play most of them. However, if you want to go further and play titles that even Valve hasn't tested, toggle the "Enable Steam Play for all titles" option.

2. Choose a version
You should use the Steam Proton version recommended by Steam: 3.7-8. This is the most stable version of Steam Proton at the moment.

3. Restart your Steam
After you have successfully activated Steam Proton, click "OK" and Steam will ask you to restart it for the changes to take effect. Restart it. Your computer will now play all of steam's whitelisted games seamlessly.

4. Launch Stardew Valley on Linux:
Before you can use Steam Proton, you must first download the Stardew Valley Windows game from Steam. When you download Stardew Valley for the first time, you will notice that the download size is slightly larger than the size of the game.
This happens because Steam will download your chosen Steam Proton version with this game as well. After the download is complete, simply click the "Play" button.

System Requirements

Windows Pc Requirements

  • OS: Windows 7 or Higher
  • Processor: 2 Ghz CPU
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: 512 MB graphics card Minimum
  • DirectX: Version 10
  • Storage: 100 MB available space

  • OS: Windows 10 or Higher
  • Processor: Intel i5 or equivalent
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia GT 650 or AMD HD 6870 or above
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Storage: 100 MB available space

Linux Requirements

No minimum requirements!!
No maximum requirements!!

Mac Requirements

No minimum requirements!!
No maximum requirements!!

What is B..:EvaSive? Features and Description

Welcome to a world of dangerous rectangles where quick reflexes and maneuvering will help you keep breathing... Well, for at least a few more seconds! Two buttons. Life or death. How long can you survive? Okay, so you died. Try Again. Die. One more time. Die. Just one more. Die. One more!

B = "Be". Eva = "Eva the snake. S = "Surviving". I = "in". V = "Virtual". E = "Entropy".

Two buttons. Life or death.

How long can you survive? Okay, so you died. Try Again. Die. One more time. Die. Just one more. Die. One more!

B...:EvaSive is a unique and addicting twist to the classic snake game formula where your life and death is always determined by turning either right or left. Two buttons to turn 45 degrees left or right is all you have to survive as long as you can.

Red apples give you points. Green apples give you a quick burst of speed.

Failing to satisfy your hunger will result in your head growing to many times its original size which in turn makes you more vulnerable to death from all the moving blocks.

Hitting a wall, a moving block, or your own body will be your quick demise. However hitting a wall while moving diagonally will not only spare you life but deflect you with a revitalized short burst of speed. During this speed burst, hitting any block will destroy it and acquiring an apple will give you bonus points.

Risking your life to move your body in front of a moving block will smash the block to pieces as long as your head isn't in harms way. But be wary of destroying blocks as they tend to get angry with you for these sorts of actions. When the blocks are angry, they tend to increase in speed and even launch themselves in rage hoping to vanquish you and rid themselves of what they see as a nuisance to their life.

You will die. That's not the question. The question is how long will you last before you fall?

User Reviews

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